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Loft Boards in London

If you're looking for boards for your loft space in London to create a larger area, look no further than Loft Leg Ltd. All Loft Leg's products use recycled materials and are manufactured in the UK wherever possible. We are passionate about helping homebuilders, and DIY people in London create a loft area that fits all of their specific needs. Whether you are looking to create more storage to minimize clutter or want to use the loft as a workspace, the team at Loft Leg Ltd. can assist you. We provide loft boards to produce useful storage spaces while saving households energy and money. If you have any questions on how to make your space more efficient, allow us to guide you. Contact Loft Leg Ltd. today for more information on our board solutions for your loft! 

Boards for Loft


We have answers to the most popular questions here >




Loft Ledge
Designed to be used with a loft leg platform

Other Products...

Have you seen our other innovative Loft Storage products >




Loft Leg

NEW Loft Light

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